
Five Fundraising Ideas for a Vehicle Purchase

Model 1 | April 30, 2015

Five Fundraising Ideas for a Vehicle Purchase

Fundraising is the lifeblood of many churches and organizations. Beside raising revenue for day-to-day operations, an organization may find itself in a position of needing funds to acquire a bus or other vehicle.

Raising funds for a large-scale purchase such as a bus can be a fun community or organization-strengthening endeavor. Here are five ideas to help get your fundraiser off the ground:

1. Help your community or members visualize the need and goal.

It’s not enough to say, “The church needs a bus.” Inform and excite everyone. Provide visual information with photos of the desired bus and how the church will use it to enrich the lives of everyone in the community.

2. Organize a golf tournament.

In order to generate higher interest, approach a private course where people may not normally play. Players pay a fee, often $100 or more, to receive a round of golf, a meal, and (donated) raffle prizes. A fee of $150 could generate thousands of dollars in revenue.

3. Create a Wall of Fame with laser-engraved bricks.

This offers permanent recognition to donors – at $50 to $100 per brick.

4. Organize a celebrity or sports auction.

Celebrities and athletes often donate autographed memorabilia to worthy causes in return for the positive publicity it can generate. Consider asking former athletes or celebrities who are out of – but may miss, the spotlight.

5. Put together a cookbook.

People love to share recipes and tell their stories. Create a cookbook with photographs of the people who donate recipes. Allow pages and photos to illustrate the history of the church or organization, and the families who have been involved through the generations. This will have a built-in group of buyers, and can generate ongoing revenue for years.

Here’s a bonus tip:

Remember to plan early, plan well, and most of all, to HAVE FUN!