
5 Bus Safety Tips Your Child Can’t Afford to Overlook

Model 1 | May 12, 2017

5 Bus Safety Tips Your Child Can't Afford to Overlook

5 Bus Safety Tips Your Child Can’t Afford to Overlook

Millions of children safely take the school bus to school daily. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we would like to honor all the moms out there and give some tips and tricks that will help your child navigate the bus world. Deciding to let your kids take the bus is a big decision, and for your kids, taking the bus for the first time is a huge step. Check out our guide for preparing kids to ride the bus and learn a great way to track your children while they are on the bus below.

Did you know that school buses are actually the safest form of transportation for your kids to take to school? However, even though injuries are rare, they can still occur. Make sure that your children know to be aware of their surroundings when getting on and off the bus.

Here are our top tips for school bus safety:

  1. Walk your children to the bus stop and wait there with them until the bus arrives. Unfortunately, in the world we live in today, there are some not so great people who may approach your children if they seem them unattended. Also, it’s important to teach your children basic traffic safety rules on the walk to the bus. Have your kids take three giant steps back from the curb as the bus pulls up and teach them to board the bus one at a time to avoid collisions and falls.
  2. Teach your kids to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting off and never to walk behind the bus. It is important the bus driver can always see your child. Simply taking some time to explain the importance of safety when taking the bus can make all the difference.
  3. What if your child must cross the street after getting off the bus? Instruct your child to get off the bus, take five huge steps in front of the bus, make eye contact with the bus driver, and then proceed to cross the street, once the bus driver indicates that it is safe to cross.
  4. If you have younger kids, teach them to always use handrails. Also, be wary of straps or drawstrings that may become caught in the bus door.
  5. If your child were to drop something, instruct them to let the bus driver know that they are going to retrieve it, and then pick up the item.


Now that you have our top tips for school bus safety, let’s discuss another way to give you moms some peace of mind. School bus tracking applications are becoming more popular. There are a couple of different applications that can show parents in real-time where their children are, what their estimated time of arrival is, and if a bus is delayed for a particular reason. Here are some of the best bus tracking apps are listed below:

  • BusWhere
  • Durham Bus Tracker
  • Here Comes the Bus
  • InfoFinder
  • MyBusVue
  • SafeStop
  • School Bus Hub
  • Skool Bus App
  • Treker
  • UbicaBus
  • Versatrans MyStop
  • WheresTheBus

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms that work hard each and daily to make sure that their children are safe. For more bus safety tips or with any questions regarding Creative Bus Sales, contact us.