
How to Get the Most out of Your Church Bus Year-Round

Model 1 | January 21, 2014

How to Get the Most out of Your Church Bus Year-Round

Many churches would like to consider buying a church bus for regular use. Special events and retreats can be amplified when the congregation can ride together. A motivational message or the joyous atmosphere can bring everyone closer. But one problem churches may face, especially those with less independent events, is what to do with your bus on the days it’s not in use. A church may only need a bus a few weekends out of the year or for seasonal events. Luckily, there is one option that could work favorably for not only the church, but also the local community.

Churches may consider partnering with a local private school to transport students on field trips or to team sporting events via the church bus. Some private schools do not provide bus transport for their students to and from school, leaving them without adequate transportation for large-scale events when necessary. Partnering with a school allows them use of the vehicle for those important events when a large portion of the school needs to be involved.

When contacting the school offer the bus for use at one or two events. This will allow the school to test the idea. They may find the idea of bus cumbersome at first, but later realize the added benefits of only having to organize one vehicle instead of dozens. Allowing the school a short trial period can also keep both parties from entering into agreements too hastily. Should the parties find that schedules are agreeable, it can be easy to transition into a formal, longstanding agreement.

During the school year, the church bus can be kept active during the week. Sports games, field trips, and other activities happen mostly Monday through Friday.

This allows the bus to be accessible on weekends to shuttle the congregation to weekend church events. One major benefit of partnering with a local school is it allows your bus to be

available throughout summer months for activities such as vacation bible school or extended summer retreats.

Another person who will find this agreement favorable is the bus driver. Whether a contractor or a member of the congregation, they will be glad to serve two clients with ample schedules instead of waiting around for a call.

One more option to keep a church bus occupied is to partner with another local, non-profit organization. The non-profit may have event in mind, but not a large enough budget to continually operate a bus or the extended need to own a bus. The non-profit could only need the bus for a few days of the year, leaving the bus free for congregation use most of the year.

Buying a church bus for your congregation can be a daunting task. With the right planning and person to guide you through the process it can be very simple. If you want to learn more about your bus options, click here to read our guide on what to consider when buying a church bus.