
Industries That Benefit from GEM Vehicles

Model 1 | September 9, 2015

Industries That Benefit from GEM Vehicles

In today’s world, businesses are always looking for a way to cut expenses or approve productivity. One area that is changing, is the daily use of GEM cars. Following, are the basics and different uses for this eco-friendly car.

What is GEM? 

GEM is a battery-operated low-speed vehicle. It is also referred to as a neighborhood elect

ric vehicle. Following, are the main qualities.

  • Street legal in most of the 50 states.
  • Limited to roads with posted speed limits as high as 35 MPH.
  • Top Speed of 25 MPH.
  • Plugs into a standard 110 volt outlet.
  • Charge can last up to 30 miles.
  • Available in 2, 4 and 6 people.

What Industries Benefit?  

GEM cars are valuable to many different industries. They have the potential to increase work production. Following, are a few of these industries.

  • Property and Hotel Management: GEM is a great way to show potential renters your property and amenities. With up to 6 seats, transport your guests to their rentals while hauling their luggage. GEMs can even be configured for property workers. Use them for grounds keeping and maintenance. They are perfect for carrying needed tools, while being quiet.
  • Senior Living Property: GEM cars are a wonderful investment for a retirement community. You can use the car to transport residents to different areas on the property. If the neighborhood offers entertainment or parks, the cars can drive the residents. This is cheaper than buying or renting large buses.
  • Sports Industry: Any sport that involving space and tournaments can benefit from GEM vehicles. Communication between fields, delivering items to coaches and maintaining fields can all be accomplished with this vehicle.
  • Construction: GEM vehicles can be modified to carry equipment. This makes controlling and running a construction sight easier.

These are just a few instances where GEM cars can enhance your business. With customization options, there are numerous ways to use a GEM car. For more information on these ways, contact us.