
Ski Resort Vehicle Tips from Santa

Model 1 | December 1, 2015

Ski Resort Vehicle Tips from Santa

To all you ski resorts out there, if you’re looking to purchase a fleet of ski resort vehicles you might be overwhelmed by your options. But fear not! We have the inside scoop from Santa on what to look for when buying snow vehicles (and he sure knows a thing or two about riding in the snow).

Check out his list of recommendations below…Better yet, check it out twice.

Properly Equipped for Winter Weather Conditions

Since you’ll probably be operating your van in winter weather conditions, look for one that is lifted off of the ground — it’ll be less likely to get stuck in the snow. You may also want to look for a van that has all-wheel drive capabilities.

Ample Space for Passengers’ Cargo

Patrons for a ski resort are a bit different from those who visit other types of resorts. Most of them will have their skis and other equipment so they’ll need extra cargo space for all of their gear.

Roomier Seats

When guests visit your ski resort, they’ll have on thick winter coats and other heavy clothing. This can make smaller seats less comfortable so consider looking for a van that has nice, roomy seats.

The Right Colors

Dark-colored vans can show snow, ice, and de-icing solution more so than a light colored van. Consider investing in white ski resort vans; they’ll be less likely to look dirty in-between washes.

These are a few things to consider when buying ski resort vehicles. If you need help finding and purchasing your fleet, contact us at Creative Bus Sales today. We’ll help you find the right vans for your ski resort and can help you with every step of your purchase.

Plus we’re Santa approved!