
Stop Punching the Late Clock with Mini Bus Transportation

Model 1 | June 24, 2014

Stop Punching the Late Clock with Mini Bus Transportation

Many employers worry about their employees ability to show up to work on time. Whether it be traffic, inclement weather, or just the distance away that some employees live, a variety of obstacles can keep employees from punching in on time. One solution is to provide transportation for your employees to and from work.

Who Would Participate?

It helps to know who would participate in a mini bus carpool. Maybe some coworkers already drive together in the morning, leaving their cars and trucks at a designated carpool parking lot. Perhaps you know that a group live in close proximity and were contemplating the idea of carpooling. Ask around or pass out a survey to get the conversation started.

During the survey it’s also a good time to gauge whether you would hire a driver or trust one or two employees to become certified.

Know Your State

A mini bus isn’t meant to haul a lot people. In fact, fourteen is usually the maximum amount of passenger seats available. Though you or a driver may already possess a Commercial Driver’s License, your reason for purchase may be that you didn’t want to obtain one. Though it is easy to assume that since you are transporting less than 15 passengers that you’ll be within the guidelines of the law. However, state laws vary greatly and some states may want you to have a CDL depending on your use for the vehicle. For example, California only allows you to have 10 persons inside the vehicle while Pennsylvania requires you to pass the test in the type of vehicle you will be operating. Check your state to narrow the search on passenger seating.

Emergency Preparedness

A looming issue that some employees might have when commuting is lack of freedom. Say that employee had a doctor’s appointment or had to work late one evening, missing normal commute times. Some companies offer their employees a free ride for emergency purposes. A taxi or car service then transports the individual at no cost to them.

Bus Dealership Expertise

Not every dealership is qualified to know the complete array of mini buses available, nor may they have the best brands. You wouldn’t ask your butcher to cut your hair, of course it doesn’t make sense to shop at a car dealership for your bus. Finding a knowledgeable salesperson with years in the bus industry experience will be vastly for helpful than someone used to selling a different product.

When a carpool plan is instigated, employees with long commutes will be grateful they don’t need to burn of their gas or their nerves to get to work. One major advantage is the parking space you’ll gain from having a few less cars in your lot. Many large companies and universities use a mini bus to shuttle employees from place to place. Perhaps it’s time you start looking for transportation solutions for your employees.