Buying Guide

Upcoming Passenger Bus Technology to Watch For

Model 1 | January 2, 2023

A blurry image of an upcoming passenger train going through a bustling city.

Public transportation is essential for equal access across different communities and contributes to the sustainability of our planet. Passenger buses specifically have been a vital part of the United States infrastructure for decades and new technologies continue to contribute to the evolution of their design. Our team at Model 1 aims to be a resource for all aspects of the bus and transportation industry, so we’ve put together a list of upcoming passenger bus technology to keep watch for!


The idea of autonomous transportation has been in the works for a long while and it’s finally reached the present day. Although we don’t anticipate bus drivers ever being replaced, the technology can have a major impact on everyone’s passenger bus experience. There will likely be improved safety features and tools that reduce driver fatigue.


Clean energy has also been a major focus for the automotive and transportation industries lately. Finding new ways to reduce the carbon footprint and make passenger buses even more environmentally friendly will likely become common practice very soon. In fact, some cities and organizations have already implemented reduced fuel consumption and emission plans, and have invested in research and development of alternative fuel sources. Electric models and buses that utilize renewable energy sources are likely to be spotted soon!


GPS technology isn’t a new concept, but more and more passenger buses are being equipped with technology that allows commuters to pinpoint the exact location of their bus. Many college campuses and metropolitan areas have implemented this technology for their bus routes to create a more efficient experience for their customers.


Over the last few years, the demand for faster and reduced-contact payment options has increased. Passengers want to easily pay their fare without the need to handle money or make contact with the driver. Technology like mobile apps and electronic readers have changed the way people pay for a bus ride. In many scenarios, the fare can be paid in advance, which also assists with congestion and seating.


If payment will take place on mobile phones, it will also be important to have adequate cell service for riders. Many passenger buses are now equipped with their own WiFi networks to allow riders to stay connected for the duration of their journey. Passengers won’t have to worry about hitting a dead zone and losing contact with their loved ones, employers, or their social networks.

Although it’s not possible to predict the future, there are many good indicators that the passenger bus experience will continue to evolve.  Model 1 is located across the U.S. and provides a large inventory of different bus types.