
Getting the Most from Your College Shuttle Buses

Model 1 | June 3, 2014

Getting the Most from Your College Shuttle Buses

Colleges act as hubs for activity day in and day out. Each day there are numerous events and activities that occur. What better way to add to those activities than to use a shuttle bus? Of course, a bus is not just a bus when utilized imaginatively — it’s a conversation starter, an information center, and a mobile billboard. Let’s explore a few of the benefits a college shuttle bus could have for your campus outside of class to class transportation.Get The Word Out 

Your college’s logo or motto could appear on the bus, and no matter where it travels, the bus could spark conversations about fellow students and alumni. Graphics are easy to install and often are considered in the purchase price of the vehicle. Being a mobile billboard could attract more students to your college, create more awareness. To spread the word even more, consider parking your shuttle bus around town, offering prizes to those who successfully locate it first. Creating a buzz about your campus and involving just about anyone is easy.

Event Central

Consider using your bus as part of a college sporting event, or for extra space during a job fair. Let various clubs or groups on campus host a booth inside the bus. They’ll be provided ample room to decorate, display, and talk about their desired subject. The possibilities are quite vast.

No matter the event, a parked bus always has ample space on the outside to display additional information. Consider hanging a banner showing directions, game times, activities for the event, or a slew of other information directly on the shuttle bus. Doing so could help eliminate confusion during an event and give more use time for your bus.

Photo Op

Your bus could even become an unofficial mascot of your college. Let students take photos of themselves with the bus at an event. They can then post the photos, maybe giving the bus a name. . Perhaps there could be a mascot that travels with the bus, giving you many possibilities for engagement. You never know what could happen!

Learning Environment

Chances are, some of the students at your college will go on to become teachers themselves. Other students may become firefighters or emergency rescue workers. A bus can be a great tool used to teach proper safety procedures to these students. Since your bus will be outfit with all the current emergency exits and safety equipment, it can be a truly realistic learning environment.

Take A Trip

It’s a rare opportunity that students can venture outside of campus walls for a class. A college shuttle bus would be a great mode of transportation for a group of students to see the real world as it pertains to their areas of study. Chemistry students could visit a working lab, theater students could see a play, and journalism students could tour a newspaper building. Letting students venture outside their normal area of study will refresh them and allow for interesting debate once they get back inside the classroom.

Tour The College 

Tours of college campuses often involve a lot of walking, but a bus could eliminate some steps and offer a comfortable ride to potential students and their families. Let potential entrants see the entire campus. Doing so will give them a more clear idea of where they may spend the next four years

As you have read, a bus on your college campus has many possibilities. From parties to games to club events, using a bus can be easy. Whether your just considering the possibility of adding another vehicle or want to purchase, consider the options above when thinking about how to use your shuttle bus on a college campus.