
The Microchip Supply Shortage: Options for Bus Fleet Owners

Model 1 | July 29, 2022

A directional sign showcasing diverse arrows.

The microchip supply shortage has harmed those in the transit industry and likely will continue to negatively impact bus owners for years to come.

How should bus fleet owners respond to the bus production crisis?

Consider employing one (or more) of the following strategies. The below suggestions offer ways that fleet owners can adapt to the current situation and prepare for future predicted situations.

Extend the Lifespan of Current Buses

One approach is to maximize the lifespan of your existing fleet. This will buy your company time and postpone the need to buy more buses.

With this strategy, preventative maintenance is key. By keeping your vehicles in optimal condition, you’ll be able to use them for as long as possible.

Start with looking over the owner’s manuals for all of your vehicles. After all, who knows the vehicle better than the company that designed and manufactured it?

See if there are:

  • Any model-specific maintenance tasks to do or to skip.
  • Any recommended products to use or products to avoid using on the given vehicle.
  • Any suggested timelines for routine maintenance tasks.

It’s also helpful to have your vehicles occasionally inspected by professionals. These experts can be a great resource in many ways, from catching problems that the average vehicle owner misses to making suggestions about how to further extend a vehicle’s lifespan.

Buy Buses Sooner Rather Than Later

There are already more orders for vehicles than can be fulfilled – and this problem is expected to only get worse in the coming years.

Many bus dealerships are also already low in their inventory or even out of available models.

In other words, it may become harder and harder to find buses for sale.

If your company is planning on expanding their fleet, you may want to make the purchase now. Waiting too long could result in the features or models you want no longer being available – or no longer being available at an affordable price point.

Consider Alternatives to Buses

Does your company need to buy a bus? Or could another type of vehicle suit your needs? Pivoting to a different type of vehicle may be a viable solution for your company.

For example, maybe your fleet needs could be met by buying vans, cutaway models, or low-floor models. These types of vehicles are not commonly part of the typical new and used vehicle market, which means that there can be greater model availability. You may even be able to find an alternative vehicle that suits your passenger capacity needs, passenger storage needs, and other needs better than the current available buses are able to do.

Are you looking to expand your fleet? Model 1 is the nation’s largest bus dealer. We carry a wide range of vehicles for sale to suit a wide range of needs. Simply contact us to get started today.